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S.T.R.I.V.E/Hilltop Academy


The mission of Cedar Hill ISD STRIVE Academy Disciplinary Alternative Education Program is to provide a safe, highly structured, and temporary behavior management and learning environment that will enable students to return to and succeed in their regularly assigned classrooms and schools.

Cedar Hill ISD STRIVE Hilltop Academy Dropout Prevention Program is to provide scholars who are overaged the opportunity to earn credits and skills needed for a high school diploma.

Meet our Principal!

Mr. Keith Petty!

Scholars in the Cedar Hill Independent School District are expected to conduct themselves as desirable members of society. Politeness in conduct, serious application to school work, and the consideration of the rights of others are standards that our students are expected to meet. It is the philosophy of the STRIVE Academy that students have the right to learn and teachers have the right to teach in a safe environment. The STRIVE Academy provides a highly structured and controlled academic setting with an emphasis on core curriculum, life/coping skills, and a counseling and guidance program designed to assist students to be more successful when they return to their regular campus.

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STRIVE News & Information

SHIFT 18+ Students Show Longhorn Spirit

Principal and students raising longhorn sign.


Hilltop students are recognized by school board!

Selfie of counselor and two students at admin building


Hilltop celebrates another graduate.

Male grad in gown with teacher and principal


Shift 18+ not really Grinchy!

Shift 18 student and teacher in Grinch shirts


Hilltop graduates student in time for Christmas.

Female Hilltop graduate in gown with teacher


New year, new graduate!

Student in grad robe posing with teacher


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